
On-line official hack mod apk Spades Royale - Card Game from vpn

Spades Royale - Card Game hack tool for Apple Ipad



Version - 1.17.30. publish Date - 2018-01-03. ipod apple. Rating - 24631 review. Language - English. Synopsis - SPADES ROYALE - THE #1 SPADES APP, presented by NBA star Dwyane Wade! Play this NEW trick-taking card game & WIN BIG!. creator - Beach Bum Ltd. The link is.


Sweet😋😚👍. You didnt say anything about how many Ramen noodles to bet. Spades games every Friday at Koryans 2000 cash prizes no entry fee. Here's how NOT to play. Damn i need the Ebonics version. I've never played Spades where the suits are ranked. They're all the same, except Spades are trump. I also don't bid nil just because I can't see making any tricks... I proactively use it as a means to win extra pts. and in the Parker Bros. card game cd I have it's 100 pts. for Nil and 200 for double nil (it's the only blind bid) and deductions of those pts. if you don't make them. Nil is not blind, and there is a 3 card exchange with your partner (but no exchange if a double nil bid. So obviously a lot of variations are possible with playing Spades. Most people just call them 'bags' or 'overtricks' forget 'sandbags. I do view it though as one of the best card games there is... certainly better than euchre imo.

I'm so damn fresh. A black boy invented the game lol : 0. I didn't know that about the suit ranks. I'm even more confused than i was before lol.

Best video ever! love your table setup ha

Very confusing. San Darating Ang Mga Salita Tinenenewtinenewtinenew.

You just took a simple card game and complicated it

Thank u. This is exactly what I need to hear, u can put down any card first, but a spade, some people be like you can put anything down. Lol Pikachu. Good tips. If u bid lower than what you get then you get you get what you bid, no points for sandbagging. like u have to go board meaning- 4 books. at least, to play. like if i bid 5 books an get 7 i get 5 or 50 ndbaggings just a shitty thing to do. also the team whos not dealing bids first lets say they say 6 books, the dealers team has nothin so they gotta go board- 4 books thats 10. you would then throw it in, because its going to be 13 books all together at the end so the books bidded need to add up to more than 10, if ur underbidding, or sandbagging. then the bids adding up to or less than to get added to your score. like you bid 6 we go 4 we throw it in but the score is still added you just redeal. also if u dont make your books you get set points subtracted from score, two sets you lose, or set on first hand lose, new game.

So confused. I like to bid my hand and do not bid possible. This leads most of the time to an 11 bid on the table. Opponents are more likely to sluff off higher cards on an 11 bid in order not to bag. It is at these times that the killer instinct comes into play and you can sneakily go for set. A team can easily be more likely to be set on an 11 bid than a 12 bid because they will play very carefully on a 12 bid, ensuring they will get their books. Set a 6 bid it is -60, not +60. Always worth the bags. Thanks, i am a beginner. Great advice. Lol I've played against Irwin before. Sounds confusing. Pretty obvious tips. Common sense is watching your pardner. The best tip though is to find a player that you trust to always be on the same page as you. Have the higher team bid always run spades. Partner leads spades to you play your highest no maatter what. Trust them to have your back.

How'd you & ur partner lose. I just started at this game and I don't have a clue, can you Please help me hit me on facebook my name is skky volume, thanks. There is no suit ranking. The whole video was very boring, and I don't know who thinks it is a good idea to put up a very generic, impersonal, video. Stunning👍. If you throw off suit to let your partner win or cut it and still have that suit the other team need to call renege three books subtracted from game can usually cause a set, so dont cheat, aka renege. pay attention. Im looking for some people who are good players no trucks tho. Love when I reach higher level. I swear it's all bots on this game lol. I don't like the way she explained. She gave no real time examples.

Horrible video. But the very best part and my personal favorite part about spades is talkin shit, like we gonnna go dog 10 books we aint playin nobody. Gracias. Spades and bridges are really hard to learn - hearts is easier to learn, in my opinion a newcomer should start with hearts - easy to learn but hard to master, I have followed a lot of tutorial but cant't still figure out how to calculate the tricks you think you gonna take: for example 4, but how do you figure out you can get is the tricky part of trick taking games and calculating bids are really challenging, there are a lot of method to calculate can search and find on google, and last: a good player should teach you (and me) how to play trick taking game (I have a book about bridge and it is over 300 pages) my question is: Is there a specific way to keep in mind which card has been played and probably who has which card in their hand? sorry for my bad English) Thank you for video.

Hahaha wrong. We play this way different in baltimore. It would be helpful if you actually explained the game like Why is it sometimes the high card and sometimes the low Card. Or How to Decide your bid. How do you get 50 points for 2 books. Decent rules. Yes, always cover your partner. You can pick up some crazy people, online, who couldn't care less and will cut you to make their bid. You are my favorite spades teacher. I wish you spades videos were grouped together in Youtube so they would be easier to find. Really really really NOT trying to be an ass BUT, it's obvious to me you are one of those folks that think they know how to play Spades really well BUT, do not. After watching the video I can't believe you feel as though you should be giving any advice AT ALL. I've played the game for over 50 years with some of the best. In the military it was the game of choice. On a scale of 1-10 I would rate your play at no more than a 3. Really just being honest so if it hurts your feelings, welcome to my world.

Fab vid. Terrible spade player. Where's the how to. smh. Load of rubbish.1. Always bid your hand to max.2. Have a good partner like you said, you had that one right.3. If you both bid hands to max you don't have to worry about bags. Plus bags are also points. Ever lost on bags?4. Play to win, i.e. don't play to bag play to set every hand.5. Bid at least two low after a nil bid on your right, that way you will not get set and give your team the option to throw high cards You don't always bid an Ace unless it's the spade, never bid ace in a length of that suite.

Not saying you are wrong eventhough I doubt you are right but even if that is true what does that mean? I am one of the best players you will meet and I seriously have trouble winning with black folk just because most think they know what they're doing but don't have a clue. from my experiences. I might be afraid to bid a maybe have too many diamonds and no trump. Odds are someone doesnt have diamonds. 50 points for 2 books? It's 10 per book and have never seen differently. Worst description ever! Most of this is wrong.

If you are beginner don't use this tutorial is wrong the suit thing is wrong

3:13 I understand the first part before the comma but I thought a suit would be like hearts or diamonds so if you dont have that suit what would a higher suit be, seems like spades are the only higher suite which us confusing me. Love his accent. For a simple explanation, this sucks. Lol i knot every thing haha. Thanks Brother. Im still confused. Thats really wrong, maybe where ur from, but down here. if ur out of the suit u 'throw off' to let ur partner get the book an go again so u dont cut him. or cut it with a spade. diamonds, clubs, and hearts are all the same spades are the only suit that has a higher value.

Did this video help anyone. She is in the neighborhood, but has created a new game altogether. It is not spades. In my neighborhood it is called spades b'cos spades rule. no other suit is higher than spades. Are you still on hardwood. I still don't get it. Hmmm. I've never played with the suit ranking before. Interesting. Definitely different from the Windows version. It reminds me of a game called Bomb.

If I called 5 and I scored 6 in this case shall I get plus point or not

Most useless video Ive ever seen. This is not how we play old rules. No spades is a misdeal and that person forfeits dealing and it goes to the next person. Also the 2 of diamonds is high and you play with 54 cards and they rank in this order, big joker, little joker, 2 of diamonds, 2 of spaces and then the aces of each suit. Since the 2 of diamonds is high in the NYC 80s version you'd haves 3 books. Of course it's a misdeal so the whole hand would be redealt by the next person. I love playing spades but I've never heard of the suits ranking like she said. Like Diamonds, Clubs and Hearts. With no spades, someone else is long in spades and someone is short in dimes. Your ace of dimes might get cut.

Spades plus. So if someone bids 10 tricks and comes up short, that's -100pts right? 10 for each bid they made. This is an excellent video. This video is wrong on so many counts. It's terrible. How do u play spades with someone on your phone man. And some change. He didn't really explain it. This man knows. Pay attention. We understand that you love holding on to them jacks. So where are the yellow moons and red balloons. wait, this is lucky charms right. crap... Im soooo confused. I dont really understand what a “trick” is. I got a little bit into this tutorial and I shut it down with a shudder. I play poker and other card games, but this game so far seems more work than pleasure. 😕.

I notice playing with computer it takes it's bids right away and nil they don't do good.
OMG wow! That's Marvellous💘 I love your video.
That's a nil hand all day.

So. how. Lol he doesnt kno how to play... yu made ya teammate book... It's interesting not just cool. This is all wrong. Nothing shown here on any tips to win at to play spades? Your bid of 2 is not secure as you had 5 diamonds no spades? Doubt your Ace of diamond walks. How the hell is it a confusing game. First off your lacking a lot of shit bro. 1) Always go for the set on 11 bids 2) You missed the most important thing RUN SPADES ON YOU OR YOUR P's 7 BIDDDDDDD 3) LOL @ NEVER OVERBID- So if its a table bid 5 and I have 4 I shouldn't go 5? If its a bag game? If its a bag game I should never overbid right? Your strategies make no sense man. Maybe I should overbid when down? To try and catch thats opps when down and you need points. You are lacking a lot. DanDaBag- DanDaMan1200 are my ID's in hw.

From 🇲🇽. Amazing video. Yeah. House rules make this a lot less lame. I play it like hearts in a way, but with the bidding, scoring, and table talk lol. You're A Champ. 1:25 That's the worst definition of trick I've ever seen. Well this just cofused me even more. I have it search Taylor T. I hate this game because theyre soooo drastically slow playing. It literally gives me a luck. 😂😂. Again, thank you. About to go wheels on you fools haha spades champ baby. Im new, was wondering what his example for covering your partner meant, if your partner threw an Ace of diamonds and it was trumped with a 10 spade why did he keep feeding high diamonds then? He said “if your partner dissed an ACE diamond”. dissed meaning you played what you thought was a book but it was beat? Thanks in advance for any help.

I can't remember how to play, but I know this ain't it. DON'T BOTHER WATCHING THIS. There is no strategy in this video, and the basic instructions as to how spades is played is garbled at best and wrong in spots. Hahaha don't use this video on how to play spades you will get lost in the first sentence. if you're a beginner. Most confusing tutorial ever. Lol@hardwood spades being the biggest spades website. pretty sure hardwood is the shittiest spades website ever. this is spades instructions for retards.

I love this game but who ever runs it messes it up. its always difficult to get on now. I can't play at all lol. I have a question? When partner cusses and is plane rude! I report it but do they even give them a warning? I hope so. I really love this game! Thanks for info on game. How the heck could I learn how to play this in county jail 20 yrs ago in one sitting, but can't figure it out now... lol.

All post on grap vine un der ground rail road thank wont mite got mind ever wavr sound vcant stop ann thang mine mine in mine in indens to ind a indens ruby reds my stones mer btra mier ra see re flech in mer a class iam cristol i mag fly mag fly lih light to [pont sp[ot it fierb up mag na mag nit mag nit class fokiss beasn heat her up. Wish i can play 1 vs 1 at Spade Plus but sadly no Spade game online to play 1 vs 1 yet, cant trust people being your partner all the time, when some or most of wannabe spade player will 3 on1 you.

Ya too fast and furious. If you bid LOW. First off, with the hand you showed, having a K,Q,J Clubs AND A,J,5,2 Spades-why would you you bid low with the hand you showed? Why would you play your HIGH cards FIRST? Aren't you just gonna draw out the low cards and WIN tricks? I'm a newb on Hardwood and Spades as a whole someone could explain that a little further that'd be cool. Love this game. A black boy that knows the game. about time. Good tips man. He covered everything known to a pro spades player. Maybe we can play sometime online. Stryker911 is my tag, hit me up been playing spades in the military for 10+ years. Sees fancy intro, and immediately know this is a white people's strategy. Black and white people play the game differently. I would sure beat you. you need more practice.

Any tips for Singles. Rigged. Have no idea. Where are the High Low Jokers. This clearly isnt HBCU Spades lol. 2:27 should have play J down instead, do u not try set on total of 12 bid look like possible set, but i haded good day spade plus back playing again and win couple, but cant alway trust people when partner set nils, i should video games play, but there is a youtube video of partner screwing them so people know there partner that screw them.

90 % all bots. I have a degree in spades. And I will set u all. This is a very simple game that you made confusing and incorrect. Not 13 cards. Here it's 7. Need pairs in same suits. 7 and 8 of diamonds for example. Can some tell people how to play to cover Nils i get partner that only set, i dont have spade partner play with there i use to win a lot with play no more delete them all because no playing meet up any more, and i get random who clearly suck or clearly playing 3 on1, VIP Spade is better but i a few that throw games clearly people only troll in wannabe Spade players. Definitely a bum at this game. U don't know how to plah smh. Yay! we're excited to play, thanks for this tutorial. Very good presentation. Good speaker.

If you a real spade player then check out. This is definitely not how to play spades. foh. Its tarneeb. Playing the game seems pretty simple, but the scoring is really complicated. 28183385/ This video is confusing i saw a guy do a blackjack tutorial and his made more sense than this. Why u took the book he was already winnin? The Jack of diamond. I wudve let him get it. Irrelevant ads for acne treatments before the appicible text in the description is only the start of things to dislike about this video. Without the irrelevant ads confounding the description, it would be easier to overlook the pedantic narration (e.g., telling you about how you should enjoy the game) and the graphics that contradict the narrative.

They forgot to mention the spade cut. I'm so confused. My brother you don't know. a Jack is like a hole you got to put her out there so she can get me Ace man & my brother king & my lesbian sister. I love splade Plus.


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